

寓学于乐学英语――记首场教职工英语茶话会 Learning English as a Pleasure――For the First English Party


Since there will be four English parties this year according to the English Improving Program for our teaching and administrative staff, the first party was held in the Video-conference Room in Administrative Building in the evening of June 10 by Human Resources Department .

6时刚过,茶会在轻快的英文歌声中开始,首先是轻松愉快的英文抢答游戏,全场气氛活跃,有的同事还有备而来,拿出了电子辞典和平时收集的英语笔记;第二个环节是自由交流,根据晚会设定的主题,大家选择自己感兴趣的话题展开讨论,乔治和马克也分享了在中国的一些有趣经历;第三个环节Hot Seat游戏将晚会推向高潮,大家纷纷起身抢着说英语,获胜小组还得到了丰富的奖励。

The party began with light English songs at about 6:00. The first part was Quick Answer and it went on in amusement. Everybody played an active part in the game and some participants were well prepared, bringing with them their E-dictionaries and notebooks. The second part was Free Talk. The participants could discuss whatever the topic they preferred on the list. Two foreign teachers, George and Mark also joined us, sharing with us their interesting experience when they first came to China. The following part was a very exciting game called Hot Seat. It brought the party into a climax. Everybody stood up and tried to give answers. The final winners were plentifully rewarded.


This party was hosted by Mrs. Xu Peilan from the Students' Development Office and George, with the participants from each department of our collage. Human Resources staff had decorated the Video-conference Room carefully and prepared coffee, cakes and various fruits beforehand. As part of the English Improving Program for our teaching and administrative staff, this party has provided a great opportunity for the staff to practice English in a joyful way and could also be considered as a brief summary for our training courses before.
